Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 707-853-3579

  • Welcome!

    About Dr. Lisa Hirsch

    Dr. Lisa is a mental health specialist who has been in private and nonprofit services for children and adolescents for over 25 years.

    Dr. Lisa utilizes a variety of healing modalities including expressive arts and experiential learning practices.

    She holds the belief that many of life’s challenges including mental health can become strengths and lead to purpose and direction.

    My Education & Experience

    Dr. Lisa holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology with a Forensic Focus.

    She has worked in both private and community mental health settings focusing on treatment, equitable program development and advocacy for child and adolescent mental health.

    Dr. Lisa currently works part-time at Child Parent Institute providing community-based mental health counseling and group therapy for students at New Directions School.

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